Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Finally! The 2nd Blog Post!

Nothing earth-shattering here. I just wanted to give you a heads-up on a new HBO movie that I think everyone should see. The movie is called "Taking Chance," and it is the true story of Marine Lt. Col. Michael Strobl, who volunteered for "escort duty" for Lance Corporal Chance Phelps, an enlisted Marine who was killed in action in Iraq. For those who don't know, the escort stays with the casket from the time it arrives in the United States until it reaches its final resting place, wherever that might be. This is done for every single member of our armed forces who is killed in action. This duty is normally carried out by enlisted men, but Lt. Col. Strobl was a Desert Storm veteran who felt compelled to volunteer for this duty. The story is about how carrying out his duty affected the people he came in contact with throughout his journey...from ticket agents, to baggage handlers, to passengers, to flight attendants, to people working on the side of the road, to Lance Corporal Phelps' family in Wyoming, and how their reactions affected him. The movie chronicles just one of the thousands and thousands of events just like it that have occurred throughout our nation's history. It's non-political, choosing to highlight the sense of honor, duty, and country that our armed forces live...and, rather than try to be pro- or anti-war. The best part is that, according to Lt. Col. Strobl himself, it's "99% accurate."

As you watch the trailer that I've linked below, I want you to remember that there are people in this country that line the streets when there is a military funeral. No, I'm not talking about people paying their respects, although that certainly happens; I'm talking about people protesting the war, or the military, or both. They hold signs saying things like "You're going to Hell," or "Blood for Oil" or something similar. Don't believe me? Here's a picture from a protest during the funeral procession for Army Specialist Bobby R. West in Beebe, Arkansas.

This is a public post that anybody can see, so I have to choose my words carefully here. Let's just say that I have no use for these people. They make me very angry, and I hope I never come across one of these protests. It's just so pathetic that they choose to vomit their offensive viewpoints during such a solemn and heart-wrenching occasion. Some of these people even claim to be Christian; the people in the picture above are from Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas. Do they have a First Amendment right to say these things? I guess they do. Do I have a right to beat the bejeezus out of them because they do it? No, but I should. Anyway...

Here's the link to the trailer and some other videos of interviews and the like. I've watched them all about 5 times each, and I still get teary-eyed every time. Courtney and I don't get HBO, so we'll have to wait for the DVD. Remember, this is an HBO original movie, so it won't be in any theaters. It airs for the first time on Saturday, February 21 at 8:00 PM.


Unknown said...

I watched the preview, can't wait to see it. Only if we had HBO I could see it sooner.

Courtney said...

the movie does look really good.. I'm glad you are posting.. I feel like I'm so behind I don't know where to start.. or how too.. arg!