Wednesday, October 8, 2008

First Post

Okay, I'm new to this, and this is basically just a test post so I can figure out how everything works.
I don't know what tell you to expect from this blog, hence the title. I'll probably cover everything from politics to hunting to my beautiful almost-bride Courtney and everything in-between. I'm going to go ahead and warn you that I'm pretty opinionated and that I see the world pretty much in black & white, with very little gray. Hopefully I'll post something every once in a while that makes you think.

Here's a video of me taking a 5-second ride on a TASER. No, I hadn't been running from the cops. This was part of a personal protection class that I took in Beckley, WV, back in 2006. I took the TASER operator course as part of the class, so I figured if I was going to learn how to use one, I might as well know what it felt like. Plus, I now know what the TASER can do to you, and I know what the proper response is should anyone every try to shoot me with a TASER, but more on that in a later post...

The picture on the side of my blog is a turkey that I killed last March. I like to hunt, and I like to eat what I kill. Few things are more satisfying that putting in all that time and effort in a hunt, being rewarded with a kill, and then enjoying the taste of wild game with none of the preservatives, steroids, or other chemicals that are injected into that stuff they call meat at your local mega-mart. If you're vegetarian and offended, I remind you of this: Meat is murder...tasty, tasty murder. (I told you I was opinionated.)

Now let's practice putting a picture up.

Here's one of me that Courtney took underwater with her super-cool Olympus camera that can take pictures and video underwater.

Finally, Courtney, I love you, and I'm so excited to be marrying you in less than 38 days. We are going to have an amazing life together as husband and wife, and I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!